
We welcome you to join the North Island Model A Ford Club!


The Current Membership Fees Are:
Single/Family, Annual Membership: $45.00 (includes emailed Newsletters/Event Flyers and Club information)

New Membership Fee: $10.00

Youth Membership Fee (under 22): no charge

Total Single/Family, New Membership: $55.00

Payment to:

By Internet banking:

Account #: 12 3068 0187485 00
North Island Model A Ford Club Inc.
Please include your surname as a reference. Due to changes within the banking systems, we are unable take cheques. If unable to pay by internet banking, please deposit subs into the club account as above.

NIMAFC no longer have a PO Box. Please use the Contacts tab on this website to contact a club member or send forms. If you need to post a membership form or documents to the club, please contact the club Secretary on 0274964200. Thank you.

Apply Today:

Offline Application Form

Alternatively you may open/view a .pdf version of this form.